
Privacy Policy

Market Savvy, Inc., operating under the name AIStocksResearch ("The Company"), has established this privacy policy as a testament to our strong dedication to privacy. To deliver services to our customers effectively, it's necessary for the Company to collect specific personal data from you. The ensuing privacy policy outlines our practices for collecting and sharing information across the Websites (further detailed below) and services of the Company.

This privacy policy pertains to personal data that can identify you, often mentioned in this document as "personally identifiable information," which the Company gathers.

  • Across the Company's digital platforms;
  • Through electronic communications, including emails and texts, shared with the Company; and
  • During your engagement with the Company’s promotions and apps on external sites and platforms, provided these apps or advertisements are connected to this privacy policy through links.

This privacy policy does not cover data:

  • that cannot be used to personally identify an individual;
  • gathered by the Business through non-digital methods or by any different methods, encompassing sites managed by outside entities;
  • acquired by an external party, inclusive of any content or applications (such as advertisements) that might provide a connection to or can be available from the Business’s Internet sites.

Please meticulously examine this privacy statement to grasp the Company's guidelines and methods concerning your data and the manner in which the Company manages it. Engaging with the Company's digital platforms, or utilizing the Company's offerings and goods, signifies your recognition and endorsement of this privacy statement. Should the Company's guidelines and methods not align with your preferences, it is advised not to interact with the Company's digital platforms or opt into the Company's offerings and goods. By navigating or employing the Company's digital platforms, or by opting for the Company's offerings and goods, you consent to this privacy statement. Note that this privacy statement is subject to alterations over time. Continuing to use the Company's digital platforms, or the Company's offerings and goods following any modifications or updates to this privacy statement implies your recognition and endorsement of such amendments or updates, hence it is advisable to periodically check this privacy statement.


The primary aim of the Company in collecting information from users is to elevate your experience on the Company's Websites and ensure that you receive the services and products that you have solicited from the Company, whether they are available at no cost or for a fee. The Company employs both aggregated (information collected from all users' accounts) and anonymous (information that cannot pinpoint an individual user) data to craft content that aligns with user preferences and improves the overall experience on the website. The Company is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy. Except as stated in this document or after obtaining your explicit permission, the Company will never disclose your identifiable personal information to third parties, unless it is compelled by legal obligations or necessary to carry out transactions or provide services on your behalf, as elaborated further on.

Whenever you access AIStocksResearch or any site managed, owned, leased, or in any way under the Company's direct or indirect oversight (together referred to as the “Company’s Websites”), or when you seek details about the Company’s offerings, the Company might gather certain categories of information pertaining to you.

  • Basic details, including your full name, residential address, telephone number, and email address are collected to complete the service you have requested and to improve customer service when you reach out to the Company or when the Company needs to communicate with you.
  • Financial details, like credit card information, are gathered if you decide to buy a product or service from the Company.
  • Data to confirm your identity or your enrollment as a registered user is collected through cookies or various automated data gathering technologies. Cookies serve to tailor content to match your preferences and to store your data to eliminate the need for repeated entry upon each visit to the Company's Websites. Additionally, the Company may utilize cookies to streamline your process when signing up for any services offered by the Company.
  • The Company collects specifics about your computer or browser to ensure the correct delivery of services and content as per your request, or to customize email communications to suit your device's technical specifications.

In specific instances, sharing some of the details you offer with external entities may be imperative. The Company abstains from selling your personal data to third parties or distributing it to such entities, except when it pertains to executing services you've solicited from the Company or when mandated or allowed by legal statutes. The data you furnish to the Company may only be disclosed under specific conditions, encompassing:

  • Across all of the Company’s Web platforms, as well as to its subsidiary entities, associated partners, and collaborative organizations.

    Information regarding your identity and the services you have acquired from the Company may be exchanged among the Company's diverse entities and subsidiaries, all of which adhere to the privacy guidelines established by the Company.

  • Due to judicial requirements

    Under certain circumstances, the Company might have to release specific details to adhere to relevant legal stipulations, inquiries, or legal proceedings, such as judicial mandates or legal demands. Furthermore, the Company might divulge information pertaining to you if it deems such action essential or suitable for safeguarding the Company's rights, assets, or the security of the Company, its clients, or other individuals.

  • Upon the transaction of a company

    Your data could be conveyed as part of a sale, consolidation, relocation, swap, or different transaction (involving assets, shares, or otherwise) concerning the entire entity or a segment of the Company's operations.

Supplementary Details for Residents of California — Privacy Rights Under California Law

California residents who have shared their personal information with the Company are entitled to inquire about the Company's possible sharing of their information with third-party entities for marketing uses in line with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018. These inquiries should be directed to the Company either through email at or via postal mail at:

7940 Ann Arbor St

Dexter, MI 48130

Requests for information on California privacy must clearly state “Request for California Privacy Information” in both the email subject and body. It is essential to provide either an email or postal address where the Company can send its reply. Be aware that these requests could require further validation steps, such as verifying your identity and residency in California. You are permitted to make such a request only once within a calendar year. The Company may choose not to respond to requests not sent to the specified address above or those made more frequently than once annually for the identical individual, postal, or email address.

The Company's Protective Measures

The Company implements conventional physical, digital, and procedural safeguards aimed at shielding the personal information you've shared from loss, abuse, or unauthorized changes. When you're asked to send sensitive details through the Company's Websites, like credit card numbers, the Company ensures your data is encrypted during transmission.

Community Documents

The Company might provide access to discussion spaces, online forums, bulletin boards, as well as web-based and telephonic seminars and group discussions for its users. It's important to be aware that details shared in these settings become accessible to the public and are beyond the Company's ability to safeguard. You are advised to be prudent about the personal details you choose to reveal in these open platforms.

Adjusting/Withdrawing Consent

Members have the option to revise or modify the details gathered by the Company at the time of sign-up through online means, by clicking on the specific links provided at the end of emails distributed by the Company.

Additionally, you can amend details tied to any item or offering you've acquired directly or via the Company by accessing the relevant service's website and navigating to the designated area for such updates.

Should you decide to terminate your subscription to any free services from the Company, or if you prefer not to receive future communications or specific types of messages, you can click on the “Unsubscribe” option located at the end of every email sent by the Company. Alternatively, you can achieve removal by sending an email to:

Marketing Partner Details

Generating income from advertising allows the Company to maintain user-affordable services, making it crucial to share information. By aggregating and anonymizing data collected (as well as incorporating insights from external market analysts), the Company is able to portray its offerings to affiliates effectively and help its marketing associates and financial supporters gain a deeper comprehension of the user demographic. The Company refrains from sharing personal identification details of its users with these groups.

Promotional content is supplied and financially supported by external entities aligned with the Company or independent promoters. Engaging with these promotions directs you to operate in accordance with the privacy practices and service conditions of an external advertiser, distinct from the Company's policies. The Company holds no liability for the assertions or content in advertisements from third-parties. Moreover, the Company offers no express or tacit assurances regarding the offerings promoted by its external entities or advertising individuals.

The promotional materials may discuss particular shares or investment opportunities; however, the views and information presented in such ads do not reflect the Company's stance. The accuracy and reliability of the assertions or representations made within these promotional communications/emails have not been corroborated by the Company. It encourages you to undertake personal inquiries, exercise careful scrutiny, and seek expert counsel prior to engaging in investment activities. The Company accepts no responsibility for any harm or detriment that may arise from or relate to the dependence on details sourced from these advertisements or associated online platforms.

While the Company strives to engage with reputable third-party advertisers, it does not endorse or assure the dependability of these external parties. These advertisers operate independently from the Company, and the Company holds no accountability for any actions or inactions on the part of these third-party advertisers should you decide to sign up for or conduct transactions with them.

The Company honors your privacy and will neither share nor allow others to share its user list with any third party. Nonetheless, the Company might distribute communications from its third-party advertisers to its users, registrants, and subscribers. Importantly, these advertisers do not have access to your actual email addresses. However, they might deploy tracking tools that could uncover your email address should you choose to follow a link within the email.


The Company only forwards your details to a third-party advertiser when you opt to accept an offer from that advertiser via the Company's co-registration feature, which involves either ticking or not un-ticking the checkbox adjacent to the advertiser's promotion. The types of information shared in such instances can include your name, email, residential address, telephone number, IP address, and the registration date for the offer from the third party. Additionally, the Company might share data regarding its visitors and subscribers that it collects both during the signup process and from any online questionnaires that the Company might carry out.


The Company's digital platforms include connections to websites beyond the Company's ownership or management. The Company has no accountability for the content or privacy approaches of these external sites. The Company advises you to remain vigilant as you exit its digital platforms or activate a link through the Company's electronic communications, and to carefully examine the privacy declarations of any site that procures personally identifying data. Only data gathered by the Company falls under the scope of its privacy policy.

Previous Clients

The Company handles the personal data of past clients in the same manner as it does for its present clientele. Personal details of previous clients are shared strictly according to this Privacy Statement. Moreover, any communication with past customers by the Company adheres to the U.S. CAN-SPAM Act and relevant federal legislation.

European Economic Area (EEA) Privacy Rights

The Company operates from the United States and has designed its online platforms and business operations primarily for users within the U.S. Should you reside outside the U.S., please be aware and consent to the possibility of your personal data being transferred to the U.S. Laws of the U.S. govern the Company’s websites and business practices, and these might not offer the same privacy safeguards as your jurisdiction. By providing your details, you consent to their management in accordance with U.S. regulations. For individuals in the European Economic Area (EEA), you are entitled to specific rights regarding data protection as outlined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For requests related to accessing, rectifying, updating, or deleting your personal data in our records, kindly reach out to us at

Reaching Out to the Company

Inquiries or feedback about this policy can be sent to:

7940 Ann Arbor St

Dexter, MI 48130

The Company holds the discretion to alter this policy at any time without prior notification.

Terms of Use

Your access and use of this website are regulated by these Terms of Use. By navigating this website, you recognize and agree to these Terms. Please note, these Terms may be modified without notice, and your continued use of the website after any adjustments signifies your agreement to the updated Terms.

1. Overall

Market Savvy, Inc., doing business as AIStocksResearch (referred to here as "the Company"), serves as a disseminator of financial insights, views, and analysis, and does not engage in or hold itself out as engaging in the business of trading in securities as a broker-dealer, offering investment advice as an investment advisor, or advising on commodity trades as a commodity trading advisor. The responsibility for making investment choices rests with you. The content available on the Company's website is provided exclusively for informational and educational purposes. It is imperative that you undertake your own investigation and careful analysis, and reach out to your professional consultants before proceeding with any investment action.

Accessing and using the Company’s website is solely at your discretion, with all content provided "as is" and on an "as available" basis, carrying no guarantees whatsoever. By engaging with this website, you acknowledge and agree that there might be inaccuracies or missing information, and you agree not to hold the Company or its contributors, including those providing independent content, liable for any errors or omissions. The Company depends on multiple sources it deems dependable for its information; however, it does not endorse or guarantee the truthfulness, completeness, promptness, safety, dependability, quality, or accessibility of any content found on this site. The information provided here is not comprehensive and might not address all relevant matters, topics, or facts pertinent to your reasons for using and subscribing to the Services.

Every piece of information on this website, be it of a historical aspect or projecting future outcomes, is only relevant as of the date it was uploaded to the site. The Company assumes no responsibility to revise such information once published or to eliminate it from the website should it become inaccurate or incomplete.

You confirm that you are solely responsible for your investment research and decision-making processes. Furthermore, you acknowledge that the Company and its external writers are not responsible for any decisions or actions you or anyone else may take based on your use of the news, information, or any content provided by the Company. You also understand that the website of the Company is not designed to offer advice regarding taxes, legal matters, insurance, or investment strategies.

You also consent to using the Company's websites, products, content, and any other materials exclusively for personal purposes, adhering to all relevant U.S. federal and state regulations for American citizens and residents. This agreement extends to compliance with appropriate international laws and directives for those not a U.S. citizen or not residing within the United States. The commercial application of the website and its enclosed data is definitively forbidden. Moreover, you obligate yourself not to distribute, lease, transmit, or in any way disseminate any of the Company's data to individuals or organizations in countries under embargo as identified by the United States Treasury, the United States Department of State, or any other federal agencies. Moreover, you warrant that you are neither located in nor primarily conduct business within any such embargoed nation.

You are permitted to use this website strictly for the activities explicitly sanctioned by this website. Engaging in any use beyond this scope, especially for commercial reasons, requires the explicit advance approval in writing from the Company. To elaborate, without such consent, you are prohibited from (i) associating this website with another brand, (ii) embedding this website within another webpage, or (iii) creating a direct link to this website. In this context, "associating with another brand" is understood as presenting a name, logo, trademark, or any form of branding in a way that could confuse users into thinking that another entity has the authority to display, publish, or disseminate this website or any content found herein. You commit to assisting the Company in immediately stopping any activities of unauthorized association with another brand, embedding, or direct linking.

The information available on this website, or any other websites owned, operated, or maintained under the license or authority of the Company, constitutes confidential and proprietary information belonging either to the Company or to the party that supplied the information to the Company. The respective party maintains full ownership and rights over such content. The content must not be modified, duplicated, disseminated, reposted, uploaded, displayed, or transmitted without express written permission from the Company, except where explicitly allowed on this website. You are, however, permitted to print a copy of the content for your own private, non-commercial use. When printing, you must not delete or alter any copyright, trademark, trade name, service mark, or any proprietary notices or legends included in the content. Altering or utilizing the content in a manner not specifically authorized by these Terms of Use infringes upon the Company’s intellectual property rights. Access to this website does not confer to you any title or intellectual property rights.

2. Hyperlinks

This website may link to other sites that are neither controlled nor operated by the Company. These links are offered as a convenience to users and do not imply the Company’s endorsement or association with these external sites. The Company has not reviewed all these external sites and is not liable for their content. Using these links is at the user's own risk, and the Company does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of these external websites. Additionally, the presence of a link on this website does not suggest that the Company endorses the linked site.

3. Compensation for Losses

You agree to compensate and defend the Company, along with its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, content providers, service providers, employees, agents, officers, directors, and contractors (hereafter referred to as "Protected Entities") against any violations of these Terms of Use by you, including unauthorized use of the content not explicitly authorized within these Terms. You acknowledge that the Protected Entities will not be held liable for such violations or unauthorized uses, and you commit to cover all resulting losses, damages, judgments, awards, costs, expenses, and legal fees incurred by the Protected Entities due to these issues. Additionally, you agree to protect and compensate the Protected Entities from any third-party claims arising from your use of the information obtained through this website.

4. Brand Marks

Branding symbols, recognition marks, and emblems featured on this site are owned by the Company or the entity that furnished these branding symbols, recognition marks, and emblems to the Company. Ownership and all associated rights concerning any of these distinct branding symbols, recognition marks, and emblems displayed on this site are held by the Company and any such contributing entity.

5. Safeguarding

Passwords for this site are intended solely for personal use. You shall bear responsibility for safeguarding your password (should you have one). The Company reserves the right to oversee your password and may, at its own discretion, request its modification. Should you select a password deemed insecure by the Company, it holds the authority to demand a password change and/or conclude your account services.

Utilizing any services or facilities related to this website for the purpose of breaching security or manipulating system resources and/or user accounts is strictly forbidden. Engaging in or distributing methods meant for security breach (for example, software for guessing passwords, tools for hacking, or devices for scanning networks) is unequivocally banned. Should you be found participating in activities that compromise system security, the Company has the authority to halt your access to Services and may share your information with system administrators at various sites to help them manage security breaches. Additionally, the Company retains the authority to conduct investigations into any suspected infractions of these Usage Terms.

The Company fully complies with demands or instructions from law enforcement agencies or judicial orders that require the Company to reveal the identity of anyone utilizing this website.

The Company does not guarantee that the website or the servers on which it is hosted are devoid of viruses or other detrimental elements. It is your obligation to establish appropriate measures and validations to ensure the precision of data entry and exit, and to secure an alternative method, outside of this site, for the restoration of any data that may be lost. The Company bears no liability or risk for your interaction with the Internet.

6. Additional Items

The governing and interpretation of these Terms of Use shall adhere to the laws of the State of California, regardless of its conflict of law provisions. By agreeing to these terms, you explicitly consent to the jurisdiction of California courts for any disputes that may arise between you and the Company related to these Terms of Use or its content. The designated courts for resolving any disputes under these Terms of Use shall be those within Los Angeles County, California, both state and federal. Should any clause of these Terms of Use be deemed unlawful, invalid, or unenforceable, such clause shall be considered detachable, leaving the remainder of the terms valid and enforceable. These Terms of Use represent the complete agreement between the involved parties concerning this matter. Despite this, any additional terms and conditions stated on this website will apply to those items specifically. The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any moment by updating this text, and your continual use of the website following any updates signifies your agreement to and acceptance of the changes.

7. Restriction of Responsibility

The Company makes no assurances or guarantees, explicit or implied, legal or otherwise, encompassing, but not limited to, warranties relating to merchantability, absence of violation, and suitability for a specific function.

Under no circumstances shall the Company, along with its branches, associates, service providers, staff members, representatives, executives, or board members, be held accountable for any form of damages, across any legal framework, resulting from or related to your usage or inability to use the Company’s Website, any sites connected to the Company’s Website, or any content found on the Company’s Website or any linked sites. This includes, but is not limited to, direct, indirect, extraordinary, incidental, resulting, or punitive losses.


The content and information displayed on the Company's Websites remain the exclusive property of the Company and are safeguarded by copyright laws. Unauthorized reproduction, dissemination, alteration, or duplication of the Company's content (this includes, but is not limited to, sharing such content on forums and bulletin boards) is strictly forbidden without the express written permission from the Company. Nonetheless, it is allowable for individuals to download or print one copy of the material strictly for personal, non-commercial purposes. Additionally, individuals may create a hyperlinked text connection to the Company’s Websites or to any specific document or section within those sites.

The Company holds the authority to reissue content supplied by its audience. When you dispatch an email containing opinions, remarks, proposals, or critiques (not limited to those submitted through the feedback page), you explicitly authorize the Company the privilege to republish or commercialize the insights and messages you submit in its curated collections. Should the Company choose to republish any submission or email, it will credit the original author. Nonetheless, you concede that the Company acquires enduring and assignable rights over any contributed material.

Should you wish to utilize the Company's material for business or external purposes, such as sharing on your site, in a newsletter, or another form of publication, kindly reach out to for assistance.


The guidelines in this section are not relevant for single-time acquisitions such as specific analytical reports or any items not classified as subscription-based services. All transactions concerning these specified products are conclusive and not eligible for a refund.

This part outlines the policies regarding subscription renewals and refunds (together referred to as the "Policy") of Market Savvy, Inc., doing business as AIStocksResearch (referred to as the "Company") for any paid subscription services acquired from the Company. Should the content be sourced from an external provider and redistributed by the Company, the Company's Policy will always prevail over and replace any other policies regarding renewals and refunds set by any third party, regardless of whether those policies are explicitly stated.

Policy for Auto-Renewal of Subscriptions

Your membership will persist for the duration mentioned at the time of sign-up (referred to as the "Term") and will extend automatically when the Term expires (identified as a "Renewal Term"). Both the initial duration and any subsequent Renewal Terms are collectively termed as the "Term". At the start of the Term, the Company will process a charge on your chosen payment method. If you do not terminate your membership following the guidelines in this Policy, the rate applicable at that time for your subscription will be automatically invoiced. For the purpose of renewing your subscription, the Company will utilize the payment method that is currently linked to your account.

At its own discretion, the Company reserves the right to offer you a preliminary alert regarding the upcoming renewal of your membership.

Except when sold and invoiced as a combined package or set of items, every subscription through the Company will be processed and extended individually, with each transaction adhering to the contemporary conditions, pricing, and reimbursement policy detailed at the point of your initial product subscription.

Regarding the automatic renewal of your subscription, you give the Company, along with its affiliates or outside entities contracted to deliver services to you, permission to charge your credit or debit card account. This authorization applies even if your card’s other details, including the expiry date, have evolved since your original subscription. The Company might obtain current data about your account from the bank that issued your card. You commit to settling all incurred expenses and fees linked to your account, including taxes, based on the prevailing rates at the time these fees were applied. You are obligated to remit full payment of all outstanding amounts when requested. Should the Company need to pursue the collection of any unpaid debts you owe, you will be responsible for covering all costs related to the Company’s legal and debt recovery efforts.

Termination Procedure

Your subscription is set to auto-renew at the term's conclusion unless you express a decision not to continue your subscription at least three (3) days before the current term expires. This can be done through sending a message to or by utilizing the cancellation feature within the website's customer portal. These specified channels are the exclusive means for indicating your choice against subscription renewal. Attempts to communicate this decision through other avenues, such as postal mail or telephone, will not be recognized.

Policy on Returns and Refunds

Each of the Company's subscription offerings is governed by a return policy valid at the moment you activate your subscription.

For any products available through a subscription period of one year or longer, there exists an unconditional refund guarantee. This ensures you can claim a full refund of the total price paid for the subscription, irrespective of the normal list price or any special pricing provided. This refund request must be made within 60 days from the starting date of your subscription.

For any product offered under a subscription lasting less than one year but not less than one quarter (3 months), there is a comprehensive refund policy in place. This policy allows you to receive a complete reimbursement of the amount you spent on the subscription, without consideration of the usual list price or any alternative pricing options. To qualify for this refund, you must submit your request within 30 days following the date of your initial subscription.

Refunds are not provided for products subscribed to for less than a quarter; however, you can discontinue the auto-renewal feature of your subscription to avoid future charges. This applies to products that are subscribed to on a monthly basis as well.

Reimbursements are issued exclusively through the original payment method used for the purchase of the subscription. For instance, if the subscription fee was settled using a credit card, any corresponding refund will be credited back directly to the same credit card account utilized for the payment.

The refund policy of the Company is applicable solely to your initial subscription of the publication you seek reimbursement for. Any renewals or subsequent subscriptions to the same service are not eligible for refunds.

The Company is committed to facilitating refunds promptly and efficiently; nonetheless, it's important to understand that the banks responsible for issuing may delay the refund processing at their discretion.

For products sold on terms extending beyond monthly, a standard partial refund policy is activated once the full refund window for first-time purchases of the Company's subscription products closes. This policy is only applicable for subscriptions lasting one year or longer, as monthly and quarterly subscriptions are not eligible for refunds, except as explicitly stated during the order process. The calculation for a standard partial refund involves subtracting the elapsed months from the total subscription term, then dividing this by the yearly subscription cost proportionate to the remaining term months. For instance, if you commence a one-year subscription costing $100 and opt to cancel in the fourth month while seeking a partial refund, your refund amount would be determined by calculating (12 - 4) x (100 / 12), resulting in a refund of $66.67.

The Company processes all refunds, both full and partial, in U.S. dollars. If you are located outside the United States, the financial institution that issued your card may apply the current exchange rate to convert the refund into your local currency. It is recommended that you contact your card issuer for more information before proceeding with a refund request.

Reimbursements, either in full or partially, cannot be provided for transactions involving singular or exclusive reports, nor for subscription durations shorter than three months.

Once the Company processes your subscription refund, your subscription will be deemed terminated, and you will lose access to it, regardless of when you actually receive the refund amount.

Broad Liability Warning

Market Savvy, Inc., operating as AIStocksResearch ("the Company"), produces financial news, views, and studies, but is neither a securities brokerage nor an investment advisory service.

  • The insights, perspectives, and studies shared about different markets, known collectively as "Services," are not tailored to specific risk preferences or thresholds. Not all individuals may find trading and investing to be a good fit. The content released by the Company doesn't constitute a bespoke invitation or encouragement to purchase, liquidate, retain, or allocate resources in certain financial vehicles, nor is it designed to offer investment strategy guidance or support. The Services are designed to complement and enhance your individual investigation and evaluation efforts.
  • Historical performance is not a reliable marker for future outcomes. Both trading and investing come with significant risks. Utilizing margin amplifies the level of risk substantially and may not be appropriate for every investor. The Company offers no assurances or promises regarding potential results from utilizing its Services, nor does it claim that losses are completely avoidable. Those subscribing to the Services (“Subscribers”) are advised against making any financial decisions without first seeking the counsel of their personal finance advisor, broker, or consultant. The Company rejects any dependency on the Services beyond their use for broad informational and educational objectives and will not be held accountable for any financial detriment, harm, expenses, or fees incurred by a Subscriber through the use of the Services or should the content within the Services turn out to be inaccurate, incomplete, or not dependable.
  • It's advisable to deal in or allocate only "risk capital" - funds you can bear to part with. Engaging in trading and investment carries significant risks, including the potential loss of all or even more than your initial investment.
  • Every investment and trading approach entails uncertainties, and any trading decision undertaken by an individual is solely their accountability. There's no assurance that methodologies, markers, or alert signals will yield gains or prevent losses. Before participating in trading or investment ventures, subscribers are advised to comprehend thoroughly the risks involved.
  • Some examples of profit are drawn from theoretical or speculative trading scenarios. These scenarios do not reflect genuine market transactions but rather are based on theoretical trades that use market prices from around the time when the recommendations were made public. Real money was never invested, nor were any trades actually carried out in relation to these speculations. There are numerous inherent limitations to the performance outcomes of such theoretical trading, with some limitations outlined below. Theoretical trading outcomes do not account for the expenses of subscription fees, brokerage commissions, or other related charges, nor do they factor in the possibility of execution slippage. Since the trades that these examples are based on were never executed, the outcomes might either diminish or magnify the effect of various market conditions, such as market liquidity. Generally, speculative trading is constructed with the advantage of hindsight, which might not apply to real-time market trading. Moreover, theoretical trading does not entail financial risk, rendering any speculative trading record unable to fully capture the real financial risks involved in actual trading activities. The Company does not guarantee or imply that individuals will achieve profits or avoid losses akin to those shown in such speculative scenarios.
  • It is not suggested or implied that you will secure profits or replicate the outcomes of individuals who have shared their experiences. Likewise, there is no assurance against the possibility of encountering financial setbacks. Individuals sharing their success stories are not guaranteed to maintain their profitable trading performance beyond the timeframe of their testimonial; they may, in fact, have faced financial losses subsequently. The earnings mentioned in testimonials might represent potential earnings that have not been actualized.
  • The outcomes and experiences shared through the Services are not common. The majority of individuals do not earn profits through trading or investing, though they may gain valuable financial knowledge from the Services. Your actual outcomes may differ significantly and will depend on various factors including your risk tolerance, the amount of investment capital you're willing to risk, the size of your trades, among others. Adjustments or alterations to a trading strategy may drastically change the outcome of a trade or investment. Often, individuals may disregard established guidelines or risk limits; such decisions are made solely at the discretion and risk of the Subscriber.
  • The Company does not support or approve the use of automated trading, nor trading that is directed by brokers or advisors. For further details on automated trading, you are encouraged to consult the SEC's website section titled "All About Auto-Trading." The Company does not endorse or direct its Subscribers towards any specific brokerage firms. It is advisable to conduct your own research to identify reputable brokers and decide on opening a brokerage account. Always seek advice from your professional financial advisors regarding stock trading, equity options, and any other trading activities.